How to Remove Relationships on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remove Relationships on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remove Relationships on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Facebook is a powerful social media platform that allows you to connect and share with people from all over the world. While it’s a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, it can also be a source of stress or discomfort if you’re no longer interested in maintaining certain relationships on the platform.

Step 1: Assess Your Relationships

Before removing relationships on Facebook, it’s important to take some time to assess your current connections. Reflect on the people you’re connected with and consider the nature of your relationship with them. Are there individuals who no longer play an active role in your life? Are there toxic or negative relationships that you would prefer to distance yourself from?

Step 2: Unfriend or Unfollow

Once you’ve identified the relationships you’d like to remove, there are two main options you can choose from: unfriend or unfollow.

Unfriending: If you no longer want to be connected to someone on Facebook at all, unfriending is the way to go. This action will remove them from your friends list, and they won’t be able to see your posts or interact with you on the platform.

Unfollowing: On the other hand, if you’d still like to remain connected to someone but don’t want to see their posts in your newsfeed, you can choose to unfollow them. This action will keep them in your friends list, but their posts won’t appear in your feed.

Step 3: Navigate to the Profile

To start the process of removing a relationship on Facebook, navigate to the profile of the person you’d like to unfriend or unfollow.

Step 4: Choose the Unfriend or Unfollow Option

On the profile page, look for the „Friends” button. Click on it, and you’ll see a dropdown menu with the options to unfriend or unfollow the person.

Unfriend: If you select the unfriend option, Facebook will display a confirmation window asking if you’re sure you want to remove this person from your friends list. Confirm the action, and they will be unfriended.

Unfollow: If you choose the unfollow option, Facebook will immediately stop showing this person’s posts in your newsfeed. You will remain connected, and they won’t receive a notification of your choice.

Step 5: Confirm the Action

Once you’ve made your selection, Facebook will ask for confirmation before proceeding with the action. Take a moment to ensure that you’ve chosen the correct option, as it cannot be undone without sending a new friend request or re-following the person.

Step 6: Adjust Privacy Settings if Necessary

After removing a relationship on Facebook, it’s a good idea to review and adjust your privacy settings if necessary. This will ensure that you maintain control over who can see your content and interact with you on the platform.

By removing relationships on Facebook, you can create a more personalized and enjoyable social media experience. It’s important to regularly reassess your connections and make changes that align with your current needs and preferences. Remember that unfriending or unfollowing someone doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your offline relationship, but it can help to create a more harmonious online environment.


How do I remove a relationship on Facebook?

To remove a relationship on Facebook, follow these steps:
1. Go to your profile and click on the „About” tab.
2. Scroll down to the „Family and Relationships” section.
3. Find the relationship you wish to remove and click on the pencil icon next to it.
4. Select „Remove” from the drop-down menu.
5. Confirm the removal by clicking „Remove” again when prompted.

Can I remove a relationship without notifying the other person?

Yes, you can remove a relationship on Facebook without notifying the other person. The removal is not displayed as a notification on their profile or in their news feed.

What happens when I remove a relationship on Facebook?

When you remove a relationship on Facebook, the relationship status will no longer be displayed on your profile. Additionally, any posts or photos that were shared specifically with the removed relationship may become hidden from your timeline.

Can I undo the removal of a relationship on Facebook?

No, once you remove a relationship on Facebook, it cannot be undone. You will need to manually re-add or update the relationship status if you wish to have it displayed again on your profile.

How do I hide my relationship status on Facebook?

To hide your relationship status on Facebook, follow these steps:
1. Go to your profile and click on the „About” tab.
2. Scroll down to the „Family and Relationships” section.
3. Click on the pencil icon next to your relationship status.
4. Select „Only Me” from the drop-down menu.
5. Save the changes.

Can I remove a relationship without unfriending the person?

Yes, you can remove a relationship on Facebook without unfriending the person. Removing a relationship only affects the display of your relationship status on your profile, and it does not impact your connection as friends on the platform.

Will removing a relationship affect my tagged photos?

When you remove a relationship on Facebook, any tags that were associated with the relationship status may no longer be visible. However, the actual photos themselves will still be accessible unless they are specifically set to be hidden.

Can I remove a relationship on Facebook from the mobile app?

Yes, you can remove a relationship on Facebook from the mobile app. The steps to remove a relationship are similar to the desktop version. Simply go to your profile, access the „About” section, find the „Family and Relationships” section, and remove the relationship accordingly.

Why can’t I remove a relationship on Facebook?

If you are unable to remove a relationship on Facebook, it could be due to several reasons. Verify that you have the necessary permissions to make changes to your profile, ensure that you are following the correct steps, and check if there are any temporary issues with the platform. If the issue persists, you may need to reach out to Facebook support for further assistance.

Will removing a relationship affect my privacy settings?

Removing a relationship on Facebook does not directly impact your privacy settings. However, it may affect the visibility of certain posts or information related to the removed relationship. To ensure your privacy settings align with your preferences, review and adjust them accordingly after removing a relationship.